Wednesday, January 10, 2007

I'm in a Book!

It's not exactly what I was hoping I'd first use that line for, but why be picky? Here's the cover:

And here's the official description:
Best Recipes from the Jewish Blogosphere

These recipes from the Jewish blogosphere aren't just the same old kugel. Pareve, milchig and fleischig selections range from "almost healthy" sufganiyot to "Eyes of Haman" Purim bread to instructions for successful kosher potlucks. All recipes include URLs for the original post, and links to other Jewish blogs are on the back page. Treat your friends and relatives to this unique inexpensive Hanukkah gift which they will appreciate long after the holiday is over.

So, you may be wondering, why didn't I post this before Hanukkah? Well. . .it's a long story. Anyway, you can still buy the book before Tu Bishvat! (What, you never heard of the ancient tradition of giving Tu Bishvat presents?) It's only $4, and it includes a wonderful recipe for flourless honey pecan cake.

Click here to order

(Cross-posted to The Kosher Blog)

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